
Messages Messages found: 161.

New managerial staff at the SMA
3 March 2016 What's new

New managerial staff at the SMA

On 23rd February the President of the SMA appointed Ms Justyna Pikiewicz to the position of Director General.

SAWS/SACMS visit at the State Mining Authority
16 November 2015 What's new

SAWS/SACMS visit at the State Mining Authority

On 15th November the State Mining Authority hosted the delegation of the Chinese State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) and the Chinese State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (SACMS). The Chinese delegation was led by the SAWS Vice minister and the Administrator of SACMS - Mr Huang Yuzhi. The SAWS/SACMS delegation was greeted by the Vice president of the SMA – Mr Piotr Wojtacha.

IMRB Secretary pays visit to SMA
11 September 2014 What's new

IMRB Secretary pays visit to SMA

On 11 September 2014 r. Mr Alex Gryska, Secretary Treasurer of the International Mines Rescue Body (IMRB) paid a visit to the State Mining Authority.

Piotr Wojtacha appointed SMA’s Vice President
11 September 2014 What's new

Piotr Wojtacha appointed SMA’s Vice President

On 11 September 2014 Piotr Wojtacha received his appointment to the position of Vice President of the State Mining Authority.

Georgian delegation at SMA
11 July 2014 What's new

Georgian delegation at SMA

On 11 June 2014 State Mining Authority hosted a 10-people delegation from Georgia.

Mirosław Koziura appointed President of the State Mining Authority
16 June 2014 What's new

Mirosław Koziura appointed President of the State Mining Authority

On 16 June 2014 Mirosław Koziura was appointed to the post of the President of the State Mining Authority. He replaced Piotr Litwa, who headed the State Mining Authority for over 5 years.

Visit of Chinese delegation
29 November 2013 What's new

Visit of Chinese delegation

On 29 October 2013 State Mining Authority hosted a 6-person delegation from the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, State Administration of Work Safety Research Center, mining research units and coal companies.

Vietnam delegation at SMA
9 October 2012 What's new

Vietnam delegation at SMA

On 8 and 9 October 2012 State Mining Authority hosted a visit of a delegation from Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Vietnam.

18th Meeting of Heads of European Mining Authorities
19 September 2012 What's new

18th Meeting of Heads of European Mining Authorities

From 16 to 18 September took place 18th Meeting of European Heads of State Mining Authorities in Vienna on the topic "Mining activities in the context of land use management regulations".

Polish-Ukrainian declaration on cooperation
17 September 2012 What's new

Polish-Ukrainian declaration on cooperation

On 14 September 2012 President of the State Mining Authority Piotr Litwa and the President of the State Service of Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety of Ukraine Oleksandr Hohotva signed a declaration of cooperation between the authorities.

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