
Messages Messages found: 161.

Meeting in Freiberg
21 February 2020 What's new

Meeting in Freiberg

On 17 February 2020, Freiberg held another meeting as part of the MineLife Project, "A Life with Mining", which is being implemented jointly by the Saxon State Mining Authority, Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship and the State Mining Authority in Katowice together with the District Mining Office in Wroclaw.

A commemorative obelisk for the Czech miners
20 December 2019 What's new

A commemorative obelisk for the Czech miners

On 20 December 2019, the anniversary of the methane explosion in the Czech ČSM Stonava Mine, a monument was unveiled to commemorate 13 miners who died a year ago in the disaster. The explosion killed 12 Poles.

Georgius Agricola Medal for the Vice President of the State Mining Authority, Krzysztof Król
12 December 2019 What's new

Georgius Agricola Medal for the Vice President of the State Mining Authority, Krzysztof Król

On 11 December 2019, At the Czech Mining Office in Prague, Krzysztof Król, the First Vice President of the State Mining Authority in Katowice, received from the hands of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the President of the Czech Mining Authority in Prague the highest Czech departmental medal - the Georgius Agricola Medal, awarded for special merits for mining.

Title of Safety Ambassador of the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine for the President of the State Mining Authority
5 December 2019 What's new

Title of Safety Ambassador of the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine for the President of the State Mining Authority

During the St. Barbara celebrations in the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine, which were held on 3 December 2019, the title of Safety Ambassador of the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine was awarded to the President of the State Mining Authority, Adam Mirek, Eng.D.

Halina Krahelska Award for Krzysztof Król, the Vice President of the State Mining Authority
27 November 2019 What's new

Halina Krahelska Award for Krzysztof Król, the Vice President of the State Mining Authority

On 26 November 2019, Halina Krahelska Award ceremony was held at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, with the participation of the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm, Ryszard Terlecki.

Field workshops in Ukraine
28 October 2019 What's new

Field workshops in Ukraine

On 20-27 October 2019, representatives of the Department of Environmental Protection and Deposit Management of the State Mining Authority participated in field workshops devoted to geological structure of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield.

Final conference of the cross-border MineLife Project "A Life with Mining"
28 October 2019 What's new

Final conference of the cross-border MineLife Project "A Life with Mining"

On Friday, October 25 this year in the Łagów Palace near Zgorzelec a conference was held closing the cross-border project MineLife "Life with mining", in which Polish and Saxon mining institutions were involved. About 70 people participated in it.

Study visit to Puschwitz
11 October 2019 What's new

Study visit to Puschwitz

On 9 and 10 October 2019, as part of the Interreg MineLife Programme - "A Life with Mining", a study visit was organised to the Industrial Waste Storage Facility in Puschwitz (Germany).

25th Meeting of the Heads of the European Mining Authorities concluded with the signing of Memorandum
30 September 2019 What's new

25th Meeting of the Heads of the European Mining Authorities concluded with the signing of Memorandum

On 26-27 September 2019, the 25th Meeting of the Heads of European Mining Authorities was held in Cottbus, Germany. The two-day session was opened by a representative of the hosts, Uwe Sell from the State Office for Mining, Geology and Natural Resources.

The Chinese interested in cooperation with the Polish mining supervisory authorities
13 September 2019 What's new

The Chinese interested in cooperation with the Polish mining supervisory authorities

On 13 September 2019, the State Mining Authority hosted a six-person Chinese delegation from the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China, headed by Gui Laibao - Deputy Administrator of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Management.

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