
Messages Messages found: 172.

21 World Mining Congress – Legal Session in the State Mining Authority
10 September 2008 What's new

21 World Mining Congress – Legal Session in the State Mining Authority

On 10 September 2008 in the State Mining Authority in Katowice took place the session on legal aspects of mining activity of the 21 World Mining Congress.

Visit of Ukrainian delegation
9 September 2008 What's new

Visit of Ukrainian delegation

On 8 September 2008, during the World Mining Congress taking place in Cracow, the President of the State Mining Authority Piotr Buchwald hold a meeting with the Chairman of the State Ukrainian Committee of Health and Safety at Work Sergey Storchak.

21 World Mining Congress Opening Ceremony
8 September 2008 What's new

21 World Mining Congress Opening Ceremony

On 7 September 2008 in Auditorium Maximum of Jagiellonian University in Cracow took place the opening ceremony of the 21 World Mining Congress.

Treaty between Republic of Poland and Czech Republic on carrying out geological works in the common border area
20 August 2008 What's new

Treaty between Republic of Poland and Czech Republic on carrying out geological works in the common border area

On 19 August 2008 SMA’s President Piotr Buchwald took part in the ceremony of signing the Treaty between Republic of Poland and Czech Republic on carrying out geological works in the common border area.

Delegation from the Czech Mining Authority on visit in SMA
13 August 2008 What's new

Delegation from the Czech Mining Authority on visit in SMA

On 8 August 2008 a delegation from the Czech Mining Authority led by the President Ivo Pěgřímek paid a visit to SMA.

Success of Polish mine rescue teams in international competition
22 July 2008 What's new

Success of Polish mine rescue teams in international competition

The 6th International Mine Rescue Competition was held July 14–17, 2008 in Reno, Nevada, USA. The Polish Southern Coal Company’s team the Black Gold took the second position and the White Eagles from Polish Copper Company were the third team.

14th Meeting of the Heads of State Mining Authorities
30 June 2008 What's new

14th Meeting of the Heads of State Mining Authorities

The 14th Meeting of the Heads of State Mining Authorities and Administrations of European Countries took place from 23 to 26 June 2008 in Bled, Slovenia. The President of the State Mining Authority Mr Piotr Buchwald participated in the Meeting.

Mirosław Koziura appointed SMA’s Vice President
7 March 2008 What's new

Mirosław Koziura appointed SMA’s Vice President

On 4 March 2008 Mirosław Koziura received his appointment to the position of State Mining Authoritie’s Vice President from the Minister of the Environment Maciej Nowicki.

Georgius Agricola Medal to President of SMA
18 December 2007 What's new

Georgius Agricola Medal to President of SMA

On 13th December 2007 President of the State Mining Authority Piotr Buchwald was honoured by the Georgius Agricola Medal - the highest mining award in the Czech Republic.

Heads of German mining authorities on visit in SMA
31 October 2007 What's new

Heads of German mining authorities on visit in SMA

On 29–30 October 2007, Reinhard Schmidt – the President of Saxony’s Mining Authority in Freiberg and Claus Freytag – the President of the State Mining Authority of Brandenburg paid a visit to Katowice.

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