Zbigniew RAK, Jerzy STASICA, Zbigniew RAWICKI
The article is based on experiences with an application of cable bolts in steel arch reinforcement in Polish coal mines. In the publication there are shown the most popular constructions of the cable bolts type IR installed by the resin cartridge and by the injection methods. The article contains over a dozen of examples of different excavations in a long wall system. Many solutions of arch support reinforcement by the cable bolts were applied in this excavations. This article presents the latest experiences of PG Silesia and LW Bogdanka in the range of implementation of preparatory excavations technology by a high-productive forehead with the usage of a modern mining roadheade. In the process of drilling roadways, directly in the face, roof rock bolts support, mechanical cement lining, bolting of arch yielding support by means of injection strings was used. There is also a description of the most recent experiences of main gates behind the face with the usage above mentioned methods and the influence of mechanical cement lining and bolt pre-tension for the correct collaboration of the cable bolts, arch support and rock.
The article presents the application of terrestrial laser scanning technology in the study of mining engineering objects. The influence of constant interaction on mining engineering objects, variable stress forces that cause horizontal displacement, lower, change the slope and the deformation elements of underground mining infrastructure. These deformations are the cause of limitation, deterioration or total abandonment of work underground facilities. In order to conduct continuous mining, it is essential to a comprehensive study of their geometry. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is a non-contact metrology device which measures object and stores it as point cloud. The authors of the article, inspired by the possibilities of remote and the rapid acquisition of spatial information of objects under study, proposed the use of TLS, as devices supporting the study of mining engineering objects.
Overhead electric power lines inside open pit mining plants create electrical hazards. Failure to identify hazards, perform risk analysis and evaluation, specify and mark hazardous zones and provide instructions for work near power lines may result in accidents, which may have fatal consequences. The article presents information which may be useful when performing analysis and evaluation of hazards related to performing works near electric power lines, preparing instructions for work near overhead power lines and also on selecting locations for roads in a mining plant and selecting routes for vehicles, mining machinery, loading machinery and dumping machinery beneath the overhead power lines. The article describes hazard zones around power lines, their boarders specified in occupational health and safety regulations applicable to power transmission equipment and construction works as well as minimum distances between overhead power line conductors and specific operating zones of machines excavating and loading minerals – in case of operating near or crossing the overhead power lines, as specified in the Polish standards. The requirements regarding support structures and limitations in case of roads crossing or approaching power lines and minimum distances between an overhead power line and a road, ground level, a vehicle driving beneath an overhead power line as specified in Polish standards are presented.
Martin RAUER
As the population grows rapidly, the global demand for raw materials is increasing at a fast rate. Therefore, various methods for their faster excavation and delivery have been developed. One such method is using tunnel boring machines (TBM). The history of their use is surprisingly long, yet the majority of mining companies around the world do not use them. There are several dozen tunnel boring machines used in mines around the world; they are used for quick excavation of minerals, building ventilation and transport headings as well as boring long and winding dip-headings connecting several levels. Although the TBM technology may not seem appropriate for every mine, there are examples which confirm that in case of right designs this method may provide great benefits. Tunnel boring technology may be used in all mine configurations. It is only needed to adapt it to the conditions in the given mine and if the TBM manufacturer is included early in the mine designing process, it may be used to great success.
Early use of TBM in the 1960s and 1970s in metal ore mines, working in very hard rock resulted in limited success as their parameters were low. However, as time progressed, great progress was made in the efficiency of TBM operating in high compressive strength rock. Other important improvements include providing safer working conditions, safe and quick support of the roof and allowing for researching geological conditions in front of the machine head. This article contains a concise description of differences between using modern tunnel boring machines, drilling and blasting method and road header operations.
The article presents a detailed description of organisation for supervision and control over mining plants regarding both substantial and territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice. The article contains a brief history of this organisational form, its territorial scope and competences of the current mining supervision bodies. The substantial and territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice is also defined. These terms are defined in light of the legal provisions currently in force, specifically highlighting the most important provisions. A map was used to illustrate the current territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice. Additionally, entities supervised by the District Mining Office in Gliwice are characterised briefly. Considering the strategic goals and the mission of a mining authority as a specialist body it was demonstrated how important and difficult is the work of specific persons to provide safe operation of mining plants.