11/2024 - cover

Bezpieczeństwo Pracy i Ochrona Środowiska w Górnictwie Number 11/2024



The use of exploited land requires the establishment of reclamation regulations by environment protection bodies, including the partnership of mining supervision authorities. In the case of areas in which natural land relief has been adversely transformed, they are defined by a district chief working in accordance with the legal act [3]. In the case of contaminated land, the extent of necessary activity is then defined by the regional head of environmental protection working in accordance with the legal act [1] (contamination from before 30.04.2007) and legal act [5] (contamination after 30.04.2007). From 2019 to 2023, regarding cases of reclamation, mining supervision authorities cooperated most extensively with district chiefs, issuing on average 1,105 opinions. In 2019 to 2023, 4,982 hectares of land were reclaimed, and 2,368 hectares of reclaimed land were developed. Both the dynamics of reclamation and land development indicate an upward trend, but in 2019 to 2023 a distinct declining dynamic was observed regarding land handed over to other users.


The article presents issues related to preparatory works for the deepening of shaft II of the Borynia coal mine. The article discusses the technical assumptions adopted for the design works. It discusses the method of selecting the lining of technological excavations by means of numerical models and the construction of an artificial bottom, which is intended to protect the works from hazards associated with the operation of the shaft hoist in the active section of the shaft.

Agnieszka ŚLIWA

Eurovia Kruszywa S.A. - The Wiśniówka mine extracts Cambrian quartzite sandstone using the opencast method. The mining plant consists of three workings. In operation - Wiśniówka Duża and Podwiśniówka, and under reclamation - Mała Wiśniówka. To minimise the impact of mining activities on the environment, innovative solutions have been introduced with respect to monitoring noise, dust and pH value of the water discharged into the environment. Recorded data is available online, 24 hours a day. Particular attention was paid to water management, regulating its flow in the Mine area and discharging it to retention reservoirs. The most important goal was to obtain an appropriate pH value of the discharged water, which, for geological and environmental reasons, does not meet the requirements specified in the water-law decisions. A technology developed and applied for the purpose of improving the properties of rainwater or meltwater has made it possible to meet the requirements specified in relevant administrative decisions. Thanks to the construction of retention reservoirs, water resources were obtained which are used mainly for technological purposes in a closed circuit. At the same time, by cooperating with the scientific community, the Entrepreneur acquires information on the mutual interactions between the mining operations and the environment and on the changes taking place in the ecosystem. Environmental monitoring will allow the Entrepreneur to understand the processes occurring in the surrounding environment and will undoubtedly contribute to a correct and even more effective execution of reclamation works in the Wiśniówka Mine.

Kłodzkie health spa - a mineral past - a mineral future
Magdalena MAZUREK, Piotr MAZUREK

Enslave water and “harness” to mine work, or how galleries were built in mines

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