Strona główna/English version/SMA's news/Meeting with a survived miner from the Rydułtowy mine

Meeting with a survived miner from the Rydułtowy mine

18 September 2024

Fifty hours of hope - this is how long the miner Dominik Majlinger waited to be rescued, trapped underground due to an earthquake in the "ROW" Ruch Rydułtowy coal mine, which occurred on July 11, 2024. This unquestionable success resulted from the professionalism, extraordinary determination and effort of the mine rescuers who saved their colleague despite the tough underground conditions. On this occasion, at the invitation of Leszek Pietraszek - president of the management board of PGG S.A., on September 17, 2024, in Rybnik, the president of the State Mining Authority, Piotr Litwa, participated in a special meeting commemorating those events.

The management board president of PGG, who opened the meeting, personally thanked the  rescuers and miners for their commitment to the action. He also expressed his condolences to the family of the miner who lost his life in this accident and emphasized that the company's management is taking steps to improve underground work safety.

During the meeting, a video showing, step by step, the course of the rescue operation carried out on July 11-13, 2024, and its crucial stages were discussed. Mine rescuers presented the equipment they used and explained its operation. Adam Musioł, chief engineer of the "ROW" Ruch Rydułtowy coal mine, recalled that 84 rescue teams, including ten teams from the Central Mining Rescue Station, took part in the action. The rescued miner - Dominik Majlinger, said: It occurred to me that I could stay there. I remember that when I saw the lights from where the rescuer was coming from, I felt joy, something indescribable and hard to believe. Is this happening? They had to keep reminding me and confirming that it was happening. With visible emotion, the miner thanked everyone who helped to save him.

During the conference, journalists asked about the future of the Rydułtowy mine. Marek Skuza, vice-president of PGG S.A. for production, informed us that an incident analysis is being carried out, and the expert opinion will show the possibility of carrying out work in the mine. He informed that decisions on this matter are to be made by the end of the year.

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