SMA's news

Messages Messages found: 153.

European Mining Authorities sharing knowledge and experiences
28 September 2018 What's new

European Mining Authorities sharing knowledge and experiences

24th Meeting of the Heads of European Mining Authorities was held from 24th to 25th September 2018 in Salzburg, Austria. The topic of this year’s Meeting, which gathered representatives from 13 European countries, was Emergency Planning and Crisis Response in Surface and Underground Mining Operations. Polish delegation to the Meeting was led by the President of the State Mining Authority Mr Adam Mirek.

Chinese delegation visit to the State Mining Authority
3 September 2018 What's new

Chinese delegation visit to the State Mining Authority

On Monday, 3rd September 2018 a meeting with 5 delegates from the National Energy Administration, China Coal Information Institute and China Coal Hong Kong Ltd. took place in the State Mining Authority. The Chinese delegation was headed by Mr Lu Junling – Director General of the Coal Department of the National Energy Administration.

Chinese delegation introduced to the operation of Polish Mining Authorities
22 June 2018 What's new

Chinese delegation introduced to the operation of Polish Mining Authorities

On Friday, 22nd June the State Mining Authority hosted the delegation of the Chinese State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (SACMS) led by the SACMS Deputy Administrator Mr Yang Fu.

25th World Mining Congress
20 June 2018 What's new

25th World Mining Congress

Tuesday, 19th June marked the first day of the 25th World Mining Congress — one of the biggest events organized for the mining industry.

Cooperation of Polish & Czech Mining Authorities
2 November 2017 What's new

Cooperation of Polish & Czech Mining Authorities

On 30th–31st October SMA's delegation led by the President of the State Mining Authority Mr Adam Mirek participated in a two-day meeting with the SMA's Czech counterpart – the Czech Mining Office.

23rd Meeting of the Heads of the European Mining Authorities
27 September 2017 What's new

23rd Meeting of the Heads of the European Mining Authorities

This year's Meeting of the Heads of the European Mining Authorities took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, 25th–26th September, and gathered the representatives of mining authorities from 10 European countries.

Meeting with CCII at the State Mining Authority
25 September 2017 What's new

Meeting with CCII at the State Mining Authority

On Monday, 15th September the State Mining Authority hosted the delegation of the China Coal Information Institute (CCII).

Krzysztof Król appointed SMA's Vice President
4 July 2017 What's new

Krzysztof Król appointed SMA's Vice President

Mr Krzystof Król was appointed by the Minister of Energy to the position of SMA's Vice President on 30th June 2017 .

Adam Mirek appointed President of the State Mining Authority
27 February 2017 What's new

Adam Mirek appointed President of the State Mining Authority

Mr Adam Mirek will take up the position of President of the State Mining Authority effective from 1st March 2017.

Health & safety in Polish mines 2016
20 February 2017 What's new

Health & safety in Polish mines 2016

A detailed report on health & safety in all sectors of mining and mining plants will be ready at the turn of March and April 2017. The SMA is verifying data regarding employment rate in mining plants and light accidents.

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